> From: "Randy Treadway"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: "Randy Treadway"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, 01 Aug 2002 10:51:50 -0700
> Cc: track list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: t-and-f: women's AOY
> In my mind AOY involves not just head-to-head accomplishments, but usually
> also exploring 'new terrority', and Devers isn't yet exploring territory we
> (or she) hasn't visited before.>>

For years, that's the way not only AOY, but also all things of "value" in
the sport were measured: the quest for records.

With drugs having artificially altered the curve of a natural progression of
WRs, we've lost years of gradual increase and are probably close to out of
luck in that department, particularly if we've also gone through the
logarithmic growth phase on the technical side (hard tracks and lightweight
extra-traction/energy return shoes).

If the IAAF hadn't continued inventing new events (either through specs or
addition on the women's side), WRs would have been virtually nonexistent for
years now. The sport is going to have to reinvent itself, and the pessimist
in me sometimes wonders how.


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