> From: "Randy Treadway"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: "Randy Treadway"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, 01 Aug 2002 09:05:07 -0700
> Subject: RE: t-and-f: women's AOY
> Today is August 1st.  The real season is just starting.
> It's way too early for AOY talk.>>

Man, it's NEVER too early for AOY talk! Can be a great source of ongoign
mystery. Particularly in a year like this when the men's side remains so shy
of classical AOY candidates, and in a non-WR year (as they're all likely to
be from here on out on the track and field) in a year w/ no WC or OG, it
won't be easy at all.

At this point, I'd have to say that we're going to see El G again, simply
becuase he's at least threatening WR, and will probably go undefeated.

Nelson's pretty hot, but he has one loss on his record, and is getting
virtually zero GP exposure (exposing the worst part of the GP setup, whereby
the mid-distance types can go for bucks/glory every year, but field eventers
have to alternate; fortunately, this will be somewhat mitigated next year w/
the 2-day GP final, not that that will force individual GP meets to have
events they don't want).

An outside shot (at least in the T&FN sense, since we don't care about road
losses at other distances) might be Khannouchi, who does have the marathon
WR and has the opportunity for a big time in one of the fall races. Another
all-time top-10 performance might make him enough to be the first marathoner
ever to get AOY.

An undefeated Sánchez could get quite a few votes too, partic. w/ 400H being
a GL event.


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