In a message dated 9/17/02 8:48:38 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< On today's USATF teleconference, Tim Montgomery had this remark regarding 
his fast reaction time (I

think Walt asked this question.) >>

I did ask the question. Like many other "laymen", I had taken it on faith 
that a good reaction time meant an equally good start. While working on one 
of the Golden League meets for ESPN, I noticed that runner "A" had by far the 
best reaction time, while it was apparent from replays that runner "B" had 
the better start.

This past Saturday, while watching Montgomery's race with (serious 
name-dropping here) Michael  Johnson, I asked him if most people were making 
too much of quick reaction times, and he agreed, proceeding to give a 
demonstration of what Montgomery talked about yesterday.

I'm sure coaches  and athletes knew this along, and maybe it was obvious to 
others, but it was a revelation to this long-time follower of the sport. 

Walt Murphy

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