Malmo wrote:

<<<<<That's the problem with Track and Field News. You guys incapable of
identifying and discussing the REAL issue that is destroying the sport.>>>>

The REAL issue destroying the sport? You mean the disappearance of meaningful 
collegiate competition and the rise of day-long time trial meets that no one wants to 
watch? You mean the lack of coverage of our sport by the media (and don't say it's 
because of drugs. The dropoff was WAY before '88)?

Of course drugs hurt our sport. But if you think they're the number one reason track & 
field is hurting, I think you're WAY off base. There was a thread on that other 
discussion list where someone insisted that Ryan Shay was on drugs because he's so 
muscular. Christ, we have to defend 2:14 marathoners against accusations of drug use 
now? If our best guys are only running 2:14 and are on steroids, I'd suggest they 
start on the EPO as well (tongue-in-cheek of course)!!!

Imagine if Europeans start running consistently as fast as they did in the '70's and 
early 80's. If white Frenchmen, Belgians, Finns and Swedes ever run 13:15, 27:30, 8:10 
times imagine how we'll cry "DOPE!" then.


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