I would go for building=shelter rather than amenity.

Amenity would imply it is available for anyone passing with a horse to take 


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On 06/02/2013 9:00 Martin Vonwald wrote:

No, they are definitively not stables. Differently to a stable the
horse can go in and out as it pleases. They are usually placed in the
field as protection from bad weather. An example of a field shelter
can be seen here: [1] You definitively don't call them stables ;-)



2013/2/6 Philip Barnes <p...@trigpoint.me.uk>:
> Are they not stables? Am not sure about amenity, that implies public use.
> I would suggest building = stable.
> Phil
> --
> Sent from my Nokia N9
> On 06/02/2013 7:03 Martin Vonwald (imagic) wrote:
> Hi,
> Are there any arguments against using amenity=shelter +
> shelter_type=field_shelter for field shelters (see [1]) for horses?
> From the wiki:
> The amenity=shelter tag marks all sorts of small shelters to protect against
> bad weather conditions.
> Sounds good to me.
> Regards,
> Martin
> [1] 
> https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/Dde8VPJLW2uFZhGAyS7g_dKwEoVeXBNAtDGqG0BKo9U?feat=directlink
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