Makes sense. So we're back to amenity.

Something like amenity=shelter + shelter_type=field_shelter + (if
necessary) access=private should cover it.


2013/2/6 Alberto <>:
> I'm against animal=shelter. As emerged in previous discussions, an animal is
> not a shelter.
> It exists amenity=animal_shelter [1] for large structures with a staff that
> takes care of animals and that eventually heals them.
> On taginfo already exists animal=shelter, and in many cases it has been used
> to tag what now is tagged with amenity=animal_shelter. The migration is slow
> because we have to check every single case.
> For consistency with other shelter's tags [2], I would use:
> amenity=shelter
> shelter_type=field_shelter
> The availability can be specified by access=* tags.
> After all if you need a shelter against bad weather, you can use also a
> field shelter, if it is accessible. In this sense consistency with
> amenity=shelter tag is useful.
> You should also update page on shelters [2] and on animals [3] when we'll
> agree on field shelters' tagging.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> Alberto - Viking81
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