An update on the proposal.

Following a suggestion on the talk page, I have dropped "sometimes" from
the proposal page and replaced it with "conditional", a tag expressing more
information and in greater use.

A few other refinements have be made on the proposal page.

After trial tagging with artisan and finding it useful for bakery, I will
likely include artisan on the proposal page.

Still considering dropping artisan_sweet as a confectionery type and
introducing the artisan tag to the confectionery part of the proposal. Any

The concept of produced_on_site and/or outlet is useful, but still looking
for feed back. Will one work without the other? Does outlet=no always mean
produced_on_site? Having both allows ranking style tags:
produced_on_site=most. As far as terminology, other than the Oxford
dictionary, most reference sources do not use an "at a discount" qualifier
to define outlet. Typical definition of outlet:  "a commercial
establishment retailing the goods of a particular producer or wholesaler".
Distinguishing between local and commercial outlets is useful. Is
outlet=yes/no/local/commercial better of worse than local_outlet=yes/no,
commercial_outlet=yes/no? Two other possibilities for the tag: "supplier"
or "producer" with values [on_site], local, commercial; neither is really
in use as a tag. Still leaning toward separate produced_on_site tag so it
can be used with yes/only/most/some/few/no. If this remains muddy, I may
put this as a discussion paragraph on the proposal page rather than an
entry in the "use with" tag table.

Any other feedback that would refine the proposal and remove objections
before a vote would be appreciated. I will likely open the proposal for
voting within the week, leaving off any unsettled "Useful Combination" tags.

The link to the (revised) proposal page:,confectionery

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