On 10/7/13 9:12 AM, Janko Mihelic' wrote:
> What if the wind turbine is on the roof of a building
> <https://www.google.hr/search?q=wind+turbine+on+the+roof>? That would
> still be high (because we tag height from the ground, not just the
> height of the wind turbine). Actually, all small wind turbines are
> usually high <https://www.google.hr/search?q=small+wind+turbine>.
> The solutions Martin suggested seem better (rotor diameter, power
> output), but are even harder to get. Landmark seems a bit like a "tag
> for renderer" solution to me, but it doesn't seem harmful.
> Another solution comes to mind. What if we started tagging values with
> > and <? Like diameter=<5.
or just something that's sort of observable like "large" and "small"

i've only really seen two general sizes with nothing in between.
large and small might be good enough for our purposes.


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