Dana ponedjeljak, 7. listopada 2013., korisnik fly<
lowfligh...@googlemail.com> je napisao:
> No, if it is mounted on top I would say height=3 for the object.
> min_height is only used for building:part but not for explicit tagged
> objects on top of another object. Please use ele=* to specify the

With your logic, if a building has underground floors, they should be
counted into the height, don't you think so?

Anyway, wiki isn't clear on this at all, there's obviously some work to do.
It's only clear with ele being elevation of ground over sea level, even if
it's tagged on a node like man_made=tower.

>> It's a question if a power=generator represents the whole tower or just
>> the generator. I would maybe add a man_made=tower to all wind turbines
>> to remove any doubt.
> And you tag the height of the mast/tower or the height of the generator ?

The top of the highest point of the structure (top of the blade in the
highest position). That's my proposal.

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