As I said earlier, I fixed a lot of rivers and waterways nearby that were 
incorrectly tagged as layer=-1.  I removed the layer tag (since it is not 
necessary on a river or stream) and checked all the bridges and tunnels in the 
area.  Some bridges and tunnels did not have a layer tag, which is an error, 
so I added them correctly.

The main reason for doing this (other than to correct poor mapping) is because 
OSMAND draws rivers with 'layer=-1' differently to rivers with no layer tag, 
and it looks bad, especially where there *are* sections of river correctly 
tagged with layer=-1, such as in a tunnel, for example.

I am using OSMAND for navigation, so it's important to have clear maps.  Now 
that I have downloaded the latest data for this area (which includes my 
updates) I am much happier with the map I see.

Best wishes,


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