If the tagging of the object is tricky or not obvious, or it is prone to be
miscorrected by armchair mappers, it's useful to add a note in the
appropriate language with the key note=*.
For example, I have added it to part of a street that is used only for
parking, and doesn't legally lead anywhere. (together with the appropriate
The armchair mapper should also be careful with these kind of things, and
should contact the original mapper whenever he can, even if it's just
asking if the correction is ok. (I'm not sure if OSM Messaging is built-in
in JOSM, but it could be useful for quick messaging in this kind of case).

2014-06-30 18:17 GMT-03:00 Tod Fitch <t...@fitchdesign.com>:

> At least in JOSM if you do a ctrl-h on a selected object it shows you the
> source entry text that given on the change set (if it exists which it
> usually doesn't on older change sets). If the other editors don't show
> that, then they should be fixed.
> So the argument that it is not feasible for arm chair mappers to know the
> source of the data they are modifying if source:whatever=* tags don't exist
> is flawed.
> My issue with source:whatever=* tags is that you need one for every tag to
> avoid confusion about what the source for a specific tag is and it is a
> manual entry prone to error. That is automatic when looking at the history.
> Again in JOSM, it is very easy to compare versions of an object and find
> when the tag(s) were added or modified. Once on the change of interest you
> have the "Source: blah,blah" text right there.
> -Tod
> On Jun 30, 2014, at 12:53 PM, ael wrote:
> > On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 06:40:47PM +0200, Jo wrote:
> >> Just like everybody else I started several years ago by adding source
> tags
> >> on the objects themselves.
> >
> > I changed to putting the source on to change sets, but hit a problem
> > with armchair-mappers.
> >
> > I found armchair mappers overwriting carefully surveyed mapping with
> > inferior and often wrong "improvements". When I complained to them, they
> > pointed out that it was not feasible to locate all the changesets
> > and check the source tags. And I realized that was an impossible
> > burden.
> >
> > So how is an armchair mapper to know that he/she is messing with
> > something already gps/ground surveyed and keep away unless the
> > source tag is right there where they can see it on the object?
> >
> > I nearly gave up on OSM at one point when all my hard careful work
> > was completely destroyed by armchairs without local knowledge.
> >
> > I haven't seen anyone else make this point. As far as I can see,
> > the only solution is to source-tag each object. Is there another
> > solution?
> >
> > ael
> >
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