On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 07:11:08PM -0300, John Packer wrote:
> If the tagging of the object is tricky or not obvious, or it is prone to be
> miscorrected by armchair mappers, it's useful to add a note in the
> appropriate language with the key note=*.

Putting notes on every object "armcahir mappers: keep away" is just as
redundant and less informative than a source tag. I don't like all those
source tags, but it addresses a real problem.

> 2014-06-30 18:17 GMT-03:00 Tod Fitch <t...@fitchdesign.com>:
> > At least in JOSM if you do a ctrl-h on a selected object it shows you the

Well, I am a regular user of JOSM and I didn't know that. It would be
nice if sometime I found time to explore all the corners of JOSM, but
then I doubt that I would ever have time for mapping!

More to the point, (some) armchair mappers don't know/bother/use other editors
and are busy so don't have time to go looking.

I fully agreed that that all those source tags are ugly and redundant:
that it why I switched to changeset source tags. But then I suffered
and had to switch back.

In passing, many armchair mappers seem to use OSopenview etc and believe
it is always correct. If I used openview regularly, I could add
not-tags, but I don't and it would take too much time to check


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