On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 12:40:57AM +0200, Colin Smale wrote:
> http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1263/1186115057_7f88a4aaed_o.jpg 

looks like a landmark or tourist attraction to me and a narrow single 
lane bridge. The speed limiting factor on this particular bridge might 
be that you don't see far enough?

But using bridge=humpback to imply a hazard may not be such a good 
idea, will American tourists be familiar with the dangers of humpback 

Instead we could describe the hazards as visibility, bump, dip, and 
narrow single lane with higher chances of universal usability.

We could also use reasonable_max_speed (per vehicle category) or
do both.

Hence I am now inclined to tag humpback bridges as 
  bridge=yes + bridge:structure=humpback


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