On Aug 11, 2014, at 9:39 AM, Richard Z. wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 12:40:57AM +0200, Colin Smale wrote:
> Hi,
>> http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1263/1186115057_7f88a4aaed_o.jpg 
> looks like a landmark or tourist attraction to me and a narrow single 
> lane bridge. The speed limiting factor on this particular bridge might 
> be that you don't see far enough?
> But using bridge=humpback to imply a hazard may not be such a good 
> idea, will American tourists be familiar with the dangers of humpback 
> bridges?
> Instead we could describe the hazards as visibility, bump, dip, and 
> narrow single lane with higher chances of universal usability.
> We could also use reasonable_max_speed (per vehicle category) or
> do both.
> Hence I am now inclined to tag humpback bridges as 
>  bridge=yes + bridge:structure=humpback
> Richard

The image reminds me of a bridge, no longer open for traffic, on the old 
National Pike in Western Maryland. I can see where one might want to reduce 
speed on one of those to avoid bottoming out or becoming airborne.

I think rather that bridge:structure=humpback I'd prefer 
bridge:geometry=humpback. At least something that conveys shape meaning. For me 
structure implies the design element that gives a building, bridge, dam, etc. 
its strength. In the case of the photo that would be masonry arch for structure.

For what it is worth, in the Southwest of the United States there were, and 
still remain, the reverse geometry in the form of "dips" where a road crosses a 
normally dry water course. Since the is usually only water in them an hour or 
so a year it used to be deemed too expensive to put in proper bridges or 
culverts. They are generally signed with a "dip" warning sign and you can 
certainly get airborne or bottom out on those too.

I wonder if a tagging that specifies a rapid change in grade on a road way 
might be better than a bridge specific tag. Then one set of tags could be used 
for both sets of situations. Might make it easier on the data consumers. Maybe 

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