I don't think anybody was complaining about the words used for values
per se, they will still be good for a chuckle in 20 years from now.

However the wiki definition of how the values should be determined is
simply FUBAR, and in no way "defines each value pretty good". There is
no point in repeating the discussion from the mailing lists and on the
discussion page yet another time, I would just suggest re-reading them.


Am 31.08.2014 11:50, schrieb Janko Mihelić:
> The tag smoothness is vague and subjective only if we define it as such.
> Values "excellent" and "bad" can be treated as placeholders, and we can
> define them on the wiki as anything we like and then expect mappers to
> use them according to that definition, and not solely by that one string.
> If you ask me, the table at this url:
> http://wiki.osm.org/wiki/Key:smoothness#Smoothness
> defines each value pretty good. Let's put those definitions in Josm, iD
> already has them, and we can finally start treating smoothness as a
> somewhat precise and well defined tag.
> Janko
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