On 31/08/2014, Simon Poole <si...@poole.ch> wrote:
> As somebody who participates in at least two outdoor activities in which
> road conditions are an important comfort factor* (inline skating and
> riding a road bike) it would be great to have a reasonably reliable
> indication of what to expect on a certain road segment
> However the smoothness tag does not fulfil the role

+1 to all this. I'd love to have a usable tag, but for simple issues
of physics, the best/worst smoothness depends on your mode of
transport, your skill, and the weather conditions. It's not even a
linear scale (think grip vs comfort, maneuverability, etc). As for the
wiki's "usable by" metric, I've inline-skated on much rougher surfaces
than the photos suggest... That doesn't mean I liked it.

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