2014-09-22 7:29 GMT+01:00 Stephan Knauss <o...@stephans-server.de>:
> On 21.09.2014 11:04, Dan S wrote:
>> It looks like there's this tag, including a tag suggested for your
>> specific issue:
>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:shop%3Dmassage
> please don't use shop=massage for this kind of places.
> I really don't want them to show up on a map next to Wat Pho massage just
> because the map creator does not take into account some additional tagging
> which says "yes, it's tagged as a massage, but this tag tells you it isn't".
> Additional tags can specify something further, but should not change the
> meaning in general.

The original message said this kind of place "offers bathing + massage
services" plus the sexual stuff. My advice was based on that
description. You seem to be saying that these places _don't_ offer
massage services. I don't actually know which of these is true!


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