> On Nov 17, 2014, at 9:34 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> 2014-11-14 5:03 GMT+01:00 johnw <jo...@mac.com <mailto:jo...@mac.com>>:
> A couple more landuse cases were added. I’m going to ask now if it is a good 
> idea to specifically exclude Police/fire/safety and give them their own 
> landuse(s). 
> this can be very different from one country to another. E.g. in Italy there 
> are lots of different kind of police forces, some are military, others 
> aren't, so don't take for granted that all kind of police should get the same 
> landuse.

Well, I was trying to think of something generic that could be flexible to 
adapt to different conditions, as I’m aware there are many different kind of 
police forces, and different levels of them - AKA local, county, Regional, 
national, and Civil and Military - but all of them are geared towards 
“policing” the citizens - not fighting wars, defending land form invaders, etc.

> Also fire departments will not necessarily have the same landuse, dependent 
> on how we will classify them, e.g. in Germany there are volunteering and 
> professional fire fighters.

not sure how what affects the landuse of the stations. In California there are 
similar Volunteer stations, or ones manned only during fire season (they are in 
the countryside). I have heard that some small towns have volunteer-only  fire 
services. But that shouldn’t affect the marking of the landuse as a station, I 
believe - the’re all just buildings holding fire trucks. There is probably a 
way to mark manned or unmanned with existing tags - but if there isn’t maybe 
that is something for a fire=* subtag or something.

> Not sure what "safety" is about in this context, can you give a definition or 
> (less preferably) some examples what to include and exclude? (e.g. road 
> maintenance? snow plowing? putting road signs? monitoring stream gauges? 
> analyzing drinking water? homologating 
> vehicles/machinery/(construction/electrical/toys/clothes/...) products/food? 
> Controlling restaurants for hygiene?)

Definition for the landuse:

I chose Civic_safety thinking that it is for  “services that directly protect 
or safeguard the lives of citizens",  while excluding medical - as Hospitals 
are well established. 

“Safety" seemed to be the right choice, because I’m not implying emergency 
versus non-emergency as in  "someone sole my car, so I need to go to the police 
station to report it.” versus “Someone is stealing my car now, so I need the 
police here urgently!" That is [should be?] a separate tag. Isn’t that covered 
by Emergency=*  ? 

Police vs military police:

Similar with Military forces for military purposes - they are not involved with 
the protection of citizens - but the protection of the state as a whole. A 
Military police HQ for a force that is actually policing the citizens citizens 
(as opposed to the military itself) is still just a police station - it’s 
military roots would show up in the operator or even the name tag, right? an MP 
office would be on a military base, not downtown next to the city hall or the 
rec center. That would be a police station [for the citizens] - The fact that 
they are military or civilian cops are not really pertinent to their mandate to 
protect and serve the citizenry directly. I have very little experience in 
Military policing citizens in a non-emergency manner - but A police station is 
just a police station, right? 

If they were truly military - wouldn’t their facility be treated with 
landuse=military and an amenity=police_station in it instead? 
Either way, if you feel that such a force is worth being recognized as military 
or as a policing body, it is easy to describe the building and land through 
either landuse (=civic_safety or military) and the existing amenity tag.


Police, fire, Lifeguards, Ranger stations(?) snow patrol, Highway patrol, etc 
*directly* safeguard the lives of citizens.  People who maintain equipment or 
utilities indirectly do so - the road worker fixing a pothole, or a guy 
trimming trees also is indirectly safeguarding my life (through accident 
prevention) - but the people responding to a burglar or a fire at my location 
is directly safeguarding my well being, as is a lifeguard looking for sharks or 
saving drowning people. People examining pipes are merely safeguarding 
investments, reducing liability, or checking the quality of a product, service, 
or utility. A fire brigade stopping a fire at such a  facility is a whole 
different matter.

As a [former] computer technician, It is my job to safeguard your computer and 
It’s data, and indirectly your life making sure your computer doesn’t burn down 
your house. But I would never consider myself a fireman. I have found stolen 
equipment, but I would never consider myself the police. 

My friend is an electrical inspector/engineer. He verifies the safety of the 
electrical equipment at “high” voltages (~6000v). If he screws up, your factory 
could burn down. But overall, he is safeguarding the productivity of your 
factory or market, usually by pulling dead animals out of substation panels to 
get the electricity turned back on and the machines back to stamping out car 
parts or refrigerating perishables.  Search and rescue people pulling someone 
out of a river is quite different.

Our jobs would be two of the many that should be listed under a commercial=* 
subtag to give it a description beyond that it is a non-retail company. maybe a 
tag like that exists, I’m not sure at the moment, but that’s where I would 
start looking to describe the myriad of different inspection and maintenance 
companies in existence. 


I didn’t think of the indirect safety angle until you brought it up, so it 
those were good questions. Thanks. 


> cheers,
> Martin
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