W dniu 03.09.2015 10:06, Michał Brzozowski napisał(a):
This (importance ranking) is something I thought recently. How about
devising a data-driven importance rank? One could priotitize POI that
have a Wikipedia page or even grab publicly available pageview stats
from them. There are numerous ways to implement something good enough,
you just have to be open-minded.

Of course, but it takes a lot of testing to make good ranking scheme for given class of objects. I think we're at the beginning of creating such complex rules. It also includes area, density and a place context (city/rural/mountains/*) awareness.

Is there anybody willing to try?

 I, like others, think we need to establish a second style that is
free of all the conflicting requirements (mapper feedback, instant
updates, a dedicated group of complaining people) that would serve as
a map for general users, show the good practices of cartography
(generalization, which may require preprocessing) and respect regional
conventions. Not being real-time makes it much easier to solve

It seems that currently we have no technical infrastructure to run the second style yet.

 As per distribution, vector tiles seem to be the right solution.
Everybody could set up their own server and render that style in no
time, with no lengthy and ridiculously RAM-hungry DB imports. This
facilitates rendering on a cluster of commodity hardware which is much
cheaper than dedicated servers. Simply grab a weekly (example period)
vector tile package and copy it to all your machines.

I don't know what are practical problems and real advantages, but I also like to have vector OSM tiles. Currently cquest (of French style) is planning to test it and maybe marimil (osmapa.pl) can try it a some point, but at the very moment we have nothing like this. There was a demo here:


but it's down. However Michal Migurski is optimistic about this route:

"I give vector tiles and vector rendering another 1-2 years before it tips from weird research and supervised, commercial deployment into wide use and hacking."

[ http://mike.teczno.com/notes/sotmus-2015-new-york.html ]

So - who's gonna start it? =}

"The train is always on time / The trick is to be ready to put your bags down" [A. Cohen]

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