Intermittant= is present irregularly. Larger objects tend to exist for longer 
than smaller objects. Smaller objects usually appear and reappear more 
frequently, but this frequency, overall is random. 

Seasonal = present only during a certain time or times on the yearly cycle of 
the earth's journey around the sun.  Possibly driven by human choice, but those 
choices are driven by the seasonal cycle.

Intermittent means randomly. It may be more often in one season or another - 
but at some point the feature randomly exists or doest exist. This is good for 
lakes and other "sometimes there, sometimes not" features, as long as one state 
persists long enough to be noticed  /used - An intermittent like or river may 
be present for days or weeks, perhaps months. The water in a wadi or wash may 
only be present for a few hours and then dry the rest of the year, so it is not 
an intermittent river - it uses a tag for the more permanent state (wadi). 
Natural salt flats (that are nor marshes or covering a mushy liquid underneath) 
might also be similar. 

A seasonal item appears and disappears according to some yearly based cycle 
(the seasons) - usually due to cyclical and repeating climate changes brought 
about by the earth's journey around the sun, not geologic (ice ages) or long 
term climate processes (el nino, global warming etc). A lake with water once 
every 3 years is intermittent at best. But if it is a lake for 3 months and 
used as a lake, then it is an intermittent lake. 

The salt flats in Death Valley every 10 years or so get a few inches of water 
to smooth out the salt, and is gone very quickly. It isn't a lake, its a salt 
flat. Only an extraordinary storm causes it to be wet for very long. 

A lake that forms during the rainy season in the summer in Japan, a lake that 
appears from rain in the desert in winter, a stream from snowmelt runoff in 
summer, etc are all seasonal. The rest of the year they are usually dry or 
gone, but during a useful/noticeable amount of time during a repeating time(s) 
every year (there are two rainy seasons in some places), they exist and are 
there - every season. (Hence seasonal) 

Cyclical =/= seasonal. Seasonal is somehow linked to the 1 year earth-sun 
cycle, like our caleander and our concept of "the 4 seasons" - where we get the 

El ninos and other things are linked to other cycles (sunspots, etc) or follow 
longer climate cycles - but those cycles are not part of nor implied in the 
word "seasonal". 


> On Oct 1, 2015, at 9:58 PM, Mateusz Konieczny <> wrote:
> On Thu, 1 Oct 2015 21:52:11 +1000
> Warin <> wrote:
>> It again now says that irregular=regular.
>> Thanks ... black=white too.
> Where?
>> Tell us .. what tag would you use for a stream that flows randomly .. 
>> say on average once every 3 years ?
>> Of course it may not flow for 20 years, then flow 5 times that year. 
>> Randomly.
>> Cannot use intermittent due to your definition... not a yearly 
>> (seasonal) flow.
> I thought that "The tag intermittent=yes is used to indicate that a
> waterway (river, stream, etc.) does not have a permanent flow" is quite
> clear but apparently it needs to be simplified. Can somebody help in
> finding more understandable definition?
> Maybe current definition should be changed but clearly at least some
> consider seasonal waterways and water bodies to be intermittent
> (including scientists publishing what seems to be reputable sources).
> Changing definition of established tag requires really strong
> justification that it is a good idea.
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