On 06.10.2015 08:47, Colin Smale wrote:
> Instead of trying to translate the words on the signs, why look at what the
> relevant laws say. There is only room on the sign for one or two words, but
> in the laws which define the signing there will/may be more detailed
> definitions of what is meant; these definitions will of course be
> country-specific.

Sadly enough, most people who participate in discussions do not even know
(or at least not fully understand) the laws in the own country, let alone in
foreign countries. That's why a list of country-specific equivalents cannot
be the target of a proposal. The proposal can only introduce a tag and its
definition, and it's up to the local communities to discuss what their
traffic signs mean and how they relate to the tag definitions.

> In NL there is "uitgezonderd bestemmingsverkeer" (except for destination
> traffic) which sounds clear, but these days there is also "uitgezonderd
> aantoonbare bestemming" (except traffic with demonstrable destination). The
> latter is not defined (yet) in law, but I guess it is an attempt to plug a
> hole in "bestemmingsverkeer" because it is not defined how you have to
> justify being "destination traffic."

The Austrian term "Anrainerverkehr" is not defined by a law either. But it
has been a topic in literature, official websites, court decisions, and
discussions in specific newsgroups and webforums. So there's now a common
understanding what the term means.

Friedrich K. Volkmann       http://www.volki.at/
Adr.: Davidgasse 76-80/14/10, 1100 Wien, Austria

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