As somebody who regularly has to respond to complaints from officials
and others on boundary matters, I fail to see how mapping additional
borders (and a lot of them, given that there are nearly no countries
without disputes) is going to help. Matter of fact it is guaranteed to
make things worse and at the same time not help with legislation as in
China or proposed in India.

The current mapping of de-facto boundaries of effective control is
easily defensible and has a certain logic that even the greatest
nationalists typically will accept (that knowing who really controls an
area is helpful in avoiding getting killed).

Simply adding 100s if not 1000s of possible variants to OSM proper
(nothing against making them available elsewhere) will simply increase
the pressure from all sides to get their version of reality rendered on (and other high profile sites).


Am 19.05.2016 um 10:05 schrieb Rory McCann:
> On 07/05/16 11:54, Andy Townsend wrote:
>> The problem with answering Rory's original question directly is that in
>> OSM we try and "map what's on the ground", and don't map stuff that's
>> never going to happen (for example, if a village thinks that it'd be
>> really nice if there was a bypass around it, but there's no concrete
>> proposal, no funding and no likelihood of it happening, we don't map
>> that bypass).  A number of territory claims are for national historic
>> pride reasons only and are unlikely ever to result in any changes to
>> actual administrative boundaries*.
> I'm not suggesting mapping every little "someone in $COUNTRY thinks
> $AREA should be in their country", I'm suggesting mapping areas which
> governments claim. Imagine you had to make a map for the government of
> $COUNTRY, and they required the borders to be one way. That's the kind
> of thing that I think should be in OSM. You should be able to use OSM,
> and only OSM, to make a map that is acceptable to any government.
> Both of the example maps of Russia/Ukraine and India/Pakistan require
> the use of another data set. Which is a shame. One should be able to
> generate that from OSM entirely.
> Rory
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