2016-05-19 11:55 GMT+02:00 Simon Poole <si...@poole.ch>:

> The current mapping of de-facto boundaries of effective control is
> easily defensible and has a certain logic that even the greatest
> nationalists typically will accept (that knowing who really controls an
> area is helpful in avoiding getting killed).

how would this help in the dispute between Italy and France about where the
mountain peak (area) of Mont Blanc / Monte Bianco belongs to [1]? Or for
offshore areas? Our aim should not be to satisfy officials, but to depict
the actual situation. Yes, control of the area is a very good indication
where it can be used, but things are not always so clear (areas without
effective control by one party do exist).

Most of the countries are involved in claims of disputed borders? Fine,
then it should be mapped like this, even if it doesn't please officials of
one country or another.


[1] https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grenzverlauf_auf_dem_Mont_Blanc
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