> On Jul 3, 2016, at 1:06 AM, Johnparis <ok...@johnfreed.com> wrote:
> Are you seriously suggesting that virtually every single traffic signal in 
> the United States be tagged with "right turn permitted on red after stop"

Might need to make this an admin level setting - 99.9999 percent of all traffic 
signals in Japan are Always "no (left) turn on red" - I have seen maybe one or 
two in 10 years. This of course is the opposite of the US, where there are a 
few "no (right) turn on red" signals scattered around (1%?) at major bothersome 
/ dangerous intersections. 

The signal type that really bothers me in Japan is their "red light with green 
arrows" - meaning the green arrow direction has the opposing traffic stopped, 
similar to a "red signal+green left turn arrow" in the US  - but imagine that 
for a "straight" green arrow - a "stop" red light with a "go" green arrow! - Or 
three "left right straight" green arrows *with a giant red light*!" It confused 
the hell out of me when I first saw it. This also means that the other 
directions without a green arrow cannot move (so no left or right turns (below 
example) regardless, until the red light goes away and a green signal appears 
or your own arrow is green. 

These are the "1%" signals in Japan - not so many, but often enough to be 
noticed daily. 

(Sorry I can't make the link smaller) 


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