Dave F wrote:
> What's the difference between 'de facto' & official?

Martin beat me to it, but let me add links for reference, definition
and examples.

from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Official_language
> An official language is a language that is given a special legal status [...] 
> the term "official language" does not typically refer to the language used by 
> a people or country, but by its government.

from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/de_facto, please appreciate the
provided sentence for use case.
> Adjective. de facto ‎(not comparable)
> In fact or in practice; in actual use or existence, regardless of official or 
> legal status.
> (Often opposed to de jure.)
> Although the United States currently has no official language, it is largely 
> monolingual with English being the de facto national language.

The contrary of 'de facto' is 'de jure'
> Adjective. de jure ‎(not comparable)
> By right, in accordance with the law, legally.

Another good reading is the wikipedia page, particularly the
introduction at the top
and the part on national languages, quite relevant here.

> Wars have been fought over disagreements between "choices by local
> community"

Indeed. And when it gets out of control, global community and DataWG
can intervene if necessary.

But that is not a reason, quite the contrary, to start another war
between local community and remote/global community. Especially when
there is no disagreement locally. Even more so when there was
disagreement locally and it is settled now.

-- althio

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