Am 15.04.2017 um 20:04 schrieb Marc Gemis:
As I wrote before, it is not because something does not exists in one
country, that one has to vote against a proposal. One has to try to
understand that different countries with different traditions and
tagging needs.

Exactly, but these proposals do no help in that respect, either.

So in case there would be a office of one of those couriers where one
can only bring parcels, it would be nice to have a different key.

I also do not understand why people do not want that there are 2
different "top" level tags for those two concepts. If you need to use
the data, you can still merge the 2 features. That is much easier than
trying to split them, especially since the proposed tagging is
amenity=post_office and amenity=post_office + courier=yes. Which means
that the current data consumers will make no difference between the

We have different words for the two concepts in many languages, so why
can't we use those two words in mapping/tagging ?
Ten years ago I would have agreed. Today there are not two (2) concepts anymore but there is a wide range of different marketing channels used offering the discussed services to varying degrees. It has been noted several times in this thread what people would point to if asked for the nearest post office. I must admit I would really have to think hard where to find the nearest "traditional" one.

In my area in Germany only the big main "Deutsche Post" offices of a city have survived. All the rural and suburban offices have been closed and their services are now carried out in so called Deutsche Post branches by tobacco shops, bakeries, laundries, kiosks, you name it. I guess most of them offer letter and parcel related services but not all of them offer banking related services, none have PO boxes. Then there are parcel shops of Deutsche Post located in the same kind of amenities that focus more on the parcel business but some of them also sell stamps for letters (but you would fail to leave a registered mailing there). Poste restante for letters and parcels is possible in some but not in others.

Then there are several competitors of Deutsche Post in the latter business, many only operating in certain regions. They have offices, too. Are these post offices? But many (all?) of those do not offer parcel services let alone banking services.

The couriers also operate via parcel shops like Deutsche Post. I haven't seen a real UPS or other brand's outlet around here but thy might exist.

Stamps can be bought and sometimes letters can be mailed in many souvenir and tobacco shops, too, without any affiliation to a post office

So, disapproving of amenity/office=courier does not mean I ignore other countries' traditions and tagging needs. I disapprove because this pair of post_office and courier would polarize the services where there is no clear differentiation anymore in many places. Keeping post_office and courier as two distinct amenities/offices would in the same way ignore some countries' traditions and tagging needs.

Rather than having this new proposal for a courier office tweaked and pressed through I would prefer a generally revised tagging scheme in that context.


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