Am 25.04.2017 um 10:29 schrieb Marc Gemis:
On Tue, Apr 25, 2017 at 9:17 AM, Tobias Wrede <> wrote:
With this proposal how would I tag an amenity that sells stamps, offers
registered mail, receives parcels but does not accept commercial mass mail and does not offer banking services? It's not a "traditional post office".
amenity=courier ; brand = ...
amenity=postal_office ; brand=...

Yes. But which?

What I want to say is that simply introducing a *=courier along the already existing amenity=post_office opens more questions for me than it answers.

Don't get me wrong. I am totally in favor of a tag I can attach to a UPS store or a kiosk shipping DHL parcels. I just think that leaving post_office as it is and simply adding a courier tag ignores the situation of changing ways theses services are delivered today.


resending to the list. darned. How do I get Thunderbird to answer to the list automatically?

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