All your examples of street furnitures are already mapped in OSM. 
What is your proposal, exactly? 

Le 17 octobre 2017 20:27:25 GMT+02:00, hvdb <> a écrit :
>*Street furniture* is a collective term (used in the United Kingdom
><> and Canada
><>) for
>and pieces of equipment installed along streets and roads for various
>purposes. It includes benches
><>, traffic barriers
><>, bollards
><>, post boxes
><>, phone boxes
><>, streetlamps
><>, traffic lights
><>, traffic signs
><>, bus stops
><>, tram stops
><>, taxi stands
><>, public lavatories
><>, fountains
><>, watering troughs
><>, memorials
><>, public sculptures
><>, and waste receptacles
><>. The design and
>of furniture takes into account aesthetics, visual identity, function,
>pedestrian mobility and road safety.
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