There were a few answers providing more infos about the reality of african 
countries. But too many comments not well documented.  
OSM-Carto is to often thought for Western Europe and only the developpers that 
contribute to the github project make decisions. I would not base the Tagging 
decisions on what the various styles are rendering. 
And again, let's not think the Tag schema to reflect mainly the Western Europe 
reality without any knowledge of the reality of the rest of the world.
While activating for the major OSM Responses since 2012, we often had 
discussions on the leisure=common tag.  As said before, this is common to have 
such place in the middle of villages in Africa. African contributors and 
humanitarians deployed for humanitarian assistance have always aggreed to use 
this tag.  How important this is in the context of any humanitarian response?  
This is a place where people gather, where you can mount tents if necessary and 
deliver services.

As many arguments presented, this one below is let's say not very well 
documented :> landuse=GreenAndHardToClassify_HelicoptersMightLandHere

For the Nepal Response in 2015, it was very difficult to assess the situation 
of the many isolated villages in the high mountains with no access roads.  Some 
hikers could  pay a private helicopter to get out of these villages coming back 
to Kathmandu with very bad new about deaths, injured people with no assistance. 
We then agree to spot some common leisure space in the villages + add a 
specific humanitarian event tag highligting this place could possibly be a 
helicopter landing place.
Please stop joking and try to think OSM as a Global Map. Do not extrapolate 
from only your country mapping experience.

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