W dniu 02.12.2017 o 23:12, Warin pisze:

To me, "urban_green" is not a land use. I don't see "urban_green" as a good value. What use is it put to? Park, recreation, something else? The use of "green" implies a land cover .. not a good thing in a land use key.

I guess it's used in a city planning to have some green areas, big (one can walk into) and small (being a part of bigger area). Sometimes you know it's a park or garden, but in many cases "urban green" would be the most accurate description probably.

Mixed vegetation? Possibly better with separated values grass, trees, shrubs???

We already have them, but they're not always easy to separate. Having some general tags is very useful in such cases and doesn't force you to make a very detailed survey (or just pick some random value, like landuse=grass!).

"My method is uncertain/ It's a mess but it's working" [F. Apple]

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