The use of these tags within the UK seems to be relatively unproblematic
because they are UK terms that people in the UK understand and recognise as
distinct from things like parks, gardens and recreation grounds. These tags
have taken on new meanings in other countries which some view as
problematic. I have no opinion on how other mapping communities use these
particular tags, but the notion of discouraging the explicit tagging of
these features even within the UK seems bizarre. Yes, OSM is a global
database, but that is not to say that country-specific feaures ought not to
be explicitly tagged. OSm is - I think - a great means of recording such
diversity. I don't particularly see a problem with tags being used to mean
subtly different things in different countries as long as there is
consistency within countries. I don't expect features tagged
leisure=nature_reserve or highway=secondary in the UK to be very similar to
similarly tagged features in Botswana.

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