Le 05. 01. 18 à 13:23, Matej Lieskovský a écrit :
> Could we perhaps agree that we need a way to list assumed and implied 
> values on a smaller than global level?

there are two problems:

1) a list of some local default exists (e. g. speed values according to 
the type of road per country). the problem is the lack of a schema to 
assign these values indicated on the wiki to the osm data.
every router for exemple have his own not-opensource-opendata schema to 
retrive those value.
there is an unsuccessful default value proposal but unfortunately nobody 
has been working on it for a long time.

2) Even if this list exists, the other problem Fernando mentioned is 
that it is impossible to tell the difference between someone who added a 
street without checking the details (number of lanes, cycleway, ...) 
that someone who checks a road and fill all tag that are not the same as 
the local default value.
in this usecase, a key like defaults=checked would be interesting.
or something like survey:date + survey=default
otherwise, do not hesitate to suggest a way to indicate that you have 
checked the secondary tags on 200 roads in a city so that another 
contributor knows which street is completely described and which one is 
not. or how to make a one-year check to tag change in oneway street.

My usecase is the trick of marking streetlights when I have completely 
finished a street. since the only one doing it around here, I always 
know witch are still to be done. there should be a more serious way to 
share this kind of information.

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