2018-01-23 18:17 GMT+01:00 Janko Mihelić <jan...@gmail.com>:

> I would like to add tunnel=headrace to the waterway=drain because that's
> how they are called. Just google "headrace tunnel" and this is exactly what
> you will get.

This is a great add, thank you. I've missed this terminology, and vote may
be stopped to refine the proposal.
tunnel=headrace solve pretty big issue I had with tunnel=culvert

> That's why I would like to tag those pipelines as man_made=pipeline +
> pipeline=penstock. "Penstock" by itself means that the pipeline is
> pressurized, but we can add "pressurized=yes" just to be safe
> (waterway=pressurized is a funny tag to me).

It's already done with man_made=pipeline + usage=penstock

Given consistency issue I see is free flow headrace comes with
waterway=drain + tunnel = headrace but pressurized headrace or penstock
with man_made=pipeline only.
Why free flow should get a waterway and pressurised none ?
I find this confusing.

Here what is proposed, separate water from "man made" structures (cut view)
: https://imgur.com/a/3KWqZ

> Using waterway=drain for underground rivers is not very accurate. I think
> a new waterway tag is needed here, because this is a new concept. I suggest
> waterway=subterranean_river. And if it has a siphon, add
> subterranean_river=syphon.

This is the unsolved issue I mentioned on the image, but proposal wasn't
intended to cover it.
waterway=drain should be kept on artifical path, I wasn't proposing to use
it on natural underground river.

waterway=subterranean_river sounds ok for me anyway.

> So, I made an image with my suggestions, changes are bolded and underlined
> (I love your images, they are worth a thousand words :)
> https://imgur.com/a/obdNd


2018-01-23 18:30 GMT+01:00 Janko Mihelić <jan...@gmail.com>:
>Calling pipelines waterway=pressurized because it would be easier for you
to extract it and render it makes this tagging for the renderer. Tags
should be as consistent as possible for the mappers, not data consumers. If
a mapper sees a pipeline, and you tell him "tag that as
waterway=pressurized because then my SQL query can be nice and short" the
mapper is going to get annoyed and quit. If it's a pipeline, tag it as a
man_made=pipeline, and that's it. Somebody else can tag the type of a
pipeline, but nobody is suposed to think about SQL queries when mapping.

I gave my personal experience. Prior to do sql queries or really particular
stuff, there are models to be done. I'm not only doing rendering but
routing also.
Tagging isn't currently consistent for mappers at all since they are
encouraged to use waterway=canal to tag underground features.

I agree there's no point to adapt tagging for sql queries, and it's not
what I'm doing.
It's all about data model and semantics.

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