On 06/06/2018 14:15, Peter Elderson wrote:
You have implemented rendering of landcover alongside landuse?

Is it a major technical thing?
Depends on the renderer, but in my case no.

It's not a question of replacing, I think, but rendering both?

Landcover would basically always be over another landuse.
Not really - you're reading more into the English terms "landuse" and "landcover" than is justified by how they are used by mappers in OSM.

At the moment, landuse-over-landuse is rendered according to some logic?
Yes, and it varies by the renderer.  OSM Carto (and styles derived from it) have a series of rendering layers which determines what gets displayed on top of what, and in addition the "roads" layer in OSM Carto has a concept of "z_order" which determines what gets drawn on top of what within a layer.

Probably the easiest way to see how this works is to set up a copy of a renderer such as OSM Carto and experiment with how it works.

Best Regards,


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