On 08/06/18 19:03, Mateusz Konieczny wrote:
6. Jun 2018 16:34 by o...@imagico.de <mailto:o...@imagico.de>:

    The problem here is that it is not just one or two, there is a
    significant group of people, at least a dozen overall i suppose,
    who on
    the wiki consider it their mission to educate mappers on correct
    use of
    tags (based on certain ideas regarding key semantics or data model
    ideas in general) rather than documenting their actual use. The
    uselessness of many tag pages on the wiki -
    https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:landcover%3Dgrass and
    https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:landcover%3Dtrees are good
    examples here - is largely due to that. They are filled with talking
    points from the fight for 'correct' key semantics that leave the
    looking for substantial information on tag use with nothing but

I made some edits intended to fix this issue:




In general, on spotting the problem on wiki the best way to deal with it is to edit it

(it generally takes less time than complaining).

And results in edit wars.
I have amended your edit on landuse... and in landcover
I do not like the change the meaning of land use as defined on its wiki page. So I have tried to moderate that.

I hope I have been even handed .. but I have my bias too!!!

Would someone like to read them and see what you think? Preferable someone with less passion than I (and possibly some others).

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