totally agree with that.
On Wed, Jun 13, 2018 at 11:32 AM <> wrote:
> For me, the situation (as it should be, not as it is) is pretty clear.
> Landuse describes how the land is used.
> residential, industrial, commercial, retail, military, farmland, forestry, ...
> None of these have a fixed implication of what's on the land.
> Landcover describes what's on the land.
> grass, scrub, trees, concrete, ...
> None of these have a fixed implication if the landcover is natural or man 
> made or managed.
> Any point on the map has one actual landuse and one actual landcover.
> You can have an area tagged as landuse=forestry and inside that area (or 
> partially overlapping it) you have a mix of areas with landcover trees, 
> grass, scrub, rock, whatever.
> If you have some trees in a backyard, that's landcover=trees in 
> landuse=residential.
> If you have a forest that's just been completely logged and is just starting 
> to regrow, that's landuse=forestry, landcover=scrub (probably, I'm sure 
> someone can come up with a proper sequence of landcovers for an area that 
> goes from trees to stumps and back to trees).
> That landuse=forestry is what landuse=forest should be, but it has been 
> completely burned by misuse to paint the map green and there is no way to 
> recover from that really.
> And landuse=grass doesn't make any sense at all. I'm not aware of any place 
> where "grass" would be an appropiate land*use*.
> If you are growing grass for animals, that's farmland or meadow. If you are 
> growing it because you want to sell it as rollout grassm that's farmland.
> If it's beside a road, that's either landuse=highway (if it's still part of 
> the public right of way) or part of whatever landuse (residential, 
> commercial, ...) describes the area outside the road.
> If it's "municipal greenery" it's probably either landuse=highway (if it's 
> still part of the public right of way) or landuse=recreation_ground.
> No matter what, *grass* is not a land*use*. It's what happens to *cover* the 
> land to fullfil some other *use*.
> From: Martin Koppenhoefer <>
> Sent: Wednesday, 13 June 2018 19:24
> To: Tag discussion, strategy and related tools <>
> Subject: Re: [Tagging] The endless debate about "landcover" as a top-level tag
> btw., we have only been discussing the term forest for landcover=trees, but 
> there are other places where trees grow, e.g. orchards, groves, copses, 
> bosks, thickets. We do have orchard as a tag, but we do not have anything 
> specific for copses and groves (some might be mapped as orchards?). Thickets 
> are generally mapped as natural=scrub? Bosk is a synonymon for grove?
> What about the distinction "forest" and "wood"? Is a wood smaller and a 
> forest denser?
> Cheers,
> Martin
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