After looking over a lot of green areas in and around a few cities, I think
some way of recording mixed landcovers, particularly grass&trees and
scrub&trees, would be nice2have. A field of grass with a few trees is
*=grass, an area of trees with grass underneath is *=trees, but in between
a many areas of grass and/or scrub(s) with say 30-70% trees. Generally,
from the air you would say it's all trees, while on the ground it's mainly
grass with a lot of dark columns carrying a green roof blocking the sun.

2018-06-13 11:36 GMT+02:00 Martin Koppenhoefer <>:

> 2018-06-13 11:31 GMT+02:00 <>:
>> Landuse describes how the land is used.
>> residential, industrial, commercial, retail, military, farmland,
>> forestry, ...
>> None of these have a fixed implication of what's on the land.
>> Landcover describes what's on the land.
>> grass, scrub, trees, concrete, ...
>> None of these have a fixed implication if the landcover is natural or man
>> made or managed.
> +1, that's also what I would find intuitive.
>> Any point on the map has one actual landuse and one actual landcover.
> every point will have a landcover, but not every point will have landuse.
> Only used land has landuse. E.g. on antarctica (or in deserts) you will not
> have any use for most of the land.
>> And landuse=grass doesn't make any sense at all. I'm not aware of any
>> place where "grass" would be an appropiate land*use*.
> +1
> Cheers,
> Martin
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