
2018-08-03 15:34 GMT+02:00 Paul Allen <pla16...@gmail.com>:

> The documentation is a little unclear.  What I think you may mean (because
> it doesn't lose information if you
> do it this way) isline_clamp:1 is the top row, and you might have
> line_clamp:1=suspension;pin;suspension.  If that is
> what you mean then an example would help clarify.

That's right, I've changed the illustration and tagging description
And add examples :

>  It is Brtish *layman's* English.  It would be a good idea to check with
> somebody who works in the industry.  But I suspect
> he or she will tell you it's an insulator.  In British layman's English,
> attachment is better than clamp.  I'll see if I can get
> an answer out of somebody with a youtube channel who works with this stuff
> (don't hold your breath).

Sounds good, let's wait a bit and see if there are more comments regarding
this point

All the best

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