Very happy to have left it alone!

I'll wait for awhile before I tag it.
At present it looks like it might get diplomatic=mission

On 24/10/18 20:08, Allan Mustard wrote:
Nuncios are specifically named in the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, as are envoys, ministers, and chargés d’affaires:

*Article 14*
1.Heads of mission are divided into three classes, namely:
(a) That of ambassadors or nuncios accredited to Heads of State, and other heads of mission of
equivalent rank;
(b) That of envoys, ministers and internuncios accredited to Heads of State; (c) That of chargés d’affaires accredited to Ministers for Foreign Affairs.

> Tue, 23 Oct 2018 20:36:02 -0400 Kevin Kenny < <>> wrote:

> The Holy See is sovereign, so its nunciatures are embassies by another name.

>> On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 8:20 PM Warin < <>> wrote:

>> Umm .. here is some sort of exception.
>> "Apostolic Nunciature of The Holy See" ... :-)
>> Ok .. what is it (in OSM terms)? Presently in the data base as
>> amenity=embassy

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