On Thu, 25 Oct 2018 at 07:37, Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 25/10/18 07:51, Kevin Kenny wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 24, 2018 at 4:19 PM Allan Mustard <al...@mustard.net> wrote:
>>> Please do continue to comment and to offer suggestions, and to pose
>>> questions.
>>  This is pretty much based on gut feelings and may be partially or
>> completely wrong...
>> I don't think "amenity" is a suitable tag for a consulate.  Amenities are
>> parks, or toilets, or similar.
>> "Should we go to the park or the consulate for a picnic today?"   "I'm
>> busting for a crap, where's the
>> nearest consulate?"  And I'm damned sure an embassy isn't an amenity (I'm
>> not even sure, in these
>> days of telecommunications, if it serves any purpose other than housing
>> spies, but if heads of state
>> do still use embassies for formal communication between governments
>> they're definitely not
>> amenities).
>> I'm not going to worry too much about that particular tagging.
> 'amenity=*' is so overloaded in OSM (amenity=prison? Really?) that it can't
> possibly get any worse.
> :-)
> Since I already have to account for a great many different sorts of cases
> when processing 'amenity=*' for rendering or analysis, one more would be
> lost in the noise. I tend to think of OSM's 'amenity' as having a meaning
> not too far removed from 'thing'.
> I think of it as the miscellaneous folder of OSM, if it cannot fit
> anywhere else it goes in here.  The 'I give up' option.

Just had a thought :-)

Would this work under the landuse=government / civic_admin / public_admin
that was being discussed t'other day?

Maybe something like:


government=diplomatic (rendering with the current "embassy" flag)

diplomatic=embassy / consulate etc

services=visa; passport etc


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