... or maybe a better solution, if we would like the kind of shop to be 
comprhensible to people of different culture, then I would establish a 
namespace for food shops and then specify the (/locally relevant/) kind of 
shop, like eg. shop:food=salumeria.

On 2018-12-05 22:26, Sergio Manzi wrote:
> But maybe I've misunderstood your question: if you where asking how I would 
> like to tag a salumeria, the answer for me would be really simple: 
> "shop=salumeria"
> On 2018-12-05 22:23, Sergio Manzi wrote:
>> There is no way I can think of: for lack of better tagging some very 
>> different shop categories (/very different in our culture..//./), like the 
>> aforementioned "salumeria", "rosticeria", "polleria", the generic 
>> "alimentari", and many others, have all been tagged as "shop=deli", so we 
>> have "/lost part of our traditions/" for the sake of simplification and the 
>> urge of a methodical tagging schema which is rooted in a different culture.
>> It is sad, I guess..
>> On 2018-12-05 22:10, Eugene Podshivalov wrote:
>>> What is your solution for denoting "salumeria" shop so that it was possible 
>>> to grab all shops of that kind from the database?

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