On 20/01/2019 23:17, Joseph Eisenberg wrote:
> The end to this madness is for renders to recognise that the landuse=forest needs to be rendered differently from natural=wood.

Until several years ago the “standard” style (Openstreetmap-Carto) did show a difference between landuse=forest and natural=wood. However, mappers used these two tags interchangeably even then. The rendering was changed to match actually database usage on a global scale, which is that both tags are often used to tag any area covered with trees.

One suggestion that I've made here before is explicitly to use "landuse=forestry" for areas that may or may not have trees on them, if the areas with trees within have been mapped separately

An example is https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/620189661#map=15/54.0158/-0.9549 , and the result, in a renderer that deals with it, looks like https://map.atownsend.org.uk/maps/map/map.html#zoom=16&lat=54.01539&lon=-0.95744 .

That renderer also processes landuse=forest the same way - see https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/44018882 and https://map.atownsend.org.uk/maps/map/map.html#zoom=15&lat=53.21319&lon=-1.18217 for an example of that.

So from both a tagging and a rendering perspective it's a solvable problem, but the way I've done it does go against a couple of the "ways of working" that OSM's standard style has (e.g. transparency).

Best Regards,


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