On Mon, Jan 21, 2019 at 12:45 PM Paul Allen <pla16...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Around and around we go.  This list cannot agree on approving
> landuse=forestry because it
> doesn't get rendered.  The carto people refuse to render landuse=forestry
> because nobody
> uses it.  Sometimes the semi-anarchic nature of OSM tagging can be very
> frustrating.  There
> are days when I yearn for joined-up thinking.
> How about...  I expect it will get shouted down for many reasons, but...
> What if we suggest in the wiki that where trees are used for actual
> forestry people are
> encouraged to dual-tag with landuse=forestry + natural=wood on the basis
> that with
> enough usage the carto group will render landuse=forestry AND that when
> they do there
> will be an effort to remove natural=wood when it appears in combination
> with
> landuse=forestry.  What was I thinking?  That might actually get us
> somewhere, and we
> wouldn't want to do that.

I tend to share the same sentiment as yourself regarding this seemingly
endless back and forth between rendering and tagging. It clearly indicates
where change would be beneficial and a join system could be established by
both to move things forward (similar to how there's a clear system for tag
proposals, it might not be perfect, but it promotes progress).

As for your suggestion, this is already my approach for "landuse=grass" and
"landcover=grass". Tag both, hope that one day the old confusing tag has
less isolated usage than the combination and someone realises we can remove
the old one from all combined cases.
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