Am 15. März 2019 07:55:31 MEZ schrieb Joseph Eisenberg 
>Please don’t change the established meaning of amenity=police; it
>keep meaning “a public police station”.
>Most database users are only going to be interested in public police
>stations, that’s why we’ve gotten by for over 10 years with just

But amenity=police is currently used indiscriminately for *all* police 
stations, public-facing or not. That's what makes the current mapping 
inconsistent and impractical. To make it usable and consistent again, we'd at 
least have to either replace amenity=police by police=* in all 
non-public-facing police facilities or add police=* to the tagging of these 

And, I don't think that tagging police stations as amenity=police and 
police=station would be too demanding for the average mapper. You just have to 
get used to it.

I simply find it undesirable to use different keys for things that are so 
closely connected in reality as is the case of police facilities.

Best, Jan

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