Hi all

I appreciate the discussions about tagging crossing - more examples and
local usages are important! If possible, though, I'd appreciate feedback on
crossing=marked/unmarked vs crossing:markings=yes/no.

A current rundown:

Pro crossing=marked/unmarked:

- Already in use in the wild. No need to update some editors.
- Fewer tags to deprecate if namespace is fully orthogonalized.

Pro crossing:markings=yes/no:

- Describes markings as attribute of crossings, not a contentious "type" of
- Could potentially live alongside current non-orthogonal schema (good for
community acceptance, potentially bad for long-term consensus)
- Even more taggable crossing attributes would be in a crossing:*=*
namespace. Easier to find/organize/understand.

I think both fix the problem of orthogonality equally well.

Thoughts? Any other advantages to one vs. the other?

On Fri, May 24, 2019, 10:55 AM Nick Bolten <nbol...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone!
> I have two proposals out regarding the crossing tag and how it is not
> orthogonal, leading to all kinds of issues in mapping crossings and later
> interpreting that data. As currently written, if both proposals were
> accepted, crossing=traffic_signals/uncontrolled/unmarked would become two
> tags: crossing=marked/unmarked and crossing:signals=yes/no.
> Both Tobias and Masteuz have made an interesting suggestions about
> crossing=marked/unmarked, which is that it still has the problem of
> declaring that a crossing has a "type" (marked or unmarked) whereas it
> could be considered another attribute, just like having traffic signals.
> To give background, I initially chose crossing=marked/unmarked because (1)
> both are in use in the wild, (2) the schema is equally non-ambiguous, and
> (3) if I had to decide on the "type" of a crossing, I'd separate those with
> no indication of their presence aside from regionally-varying conventions
> (which is currently mapped as crossing=unmarked) from all the rest. But
> point 3 isn't completely true: a crossing that has only signals but no
> clear ground markings is less abstract/"fictitious" than a crossing
> established solely by convention, with no infrastructure saying where to
> cross.
> In contrast, crossing:markings=yes/no would let us avoid making decisions
> about the "type" of crossing entirely. If it were swapped out for the
> crossing=marked/unmarked proposal, it would result in this schema for
> crossings:
> crossing=no (for crossings that should be specifically called out as not
> doable/allowed)
> crossing:markings=yes/no
> crossing:signals=yes/no
> crossing_ref=* (unchanged)
> There has also been the suggestion that crossing=* could be left
> unchanged, and these two new tags added as alternatives. I like that this
> potentially avoids conflict and therefore makes it easier to start mapping
> this data separately, but think it would result in competing schemas and
> redundant data.
> So, what are you thoughts? Is crossing:markings=yes/no better than
> crossing=marked/unmarked? Are there any downsides/upsides I've missed? If
> crossing:markings were preferable, what should happen to the crossing=* tag?
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