On Thu, 15 Aug 2019 at 17:26, Peter Elderson <pelder...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I tried about a month ago, and found the improvements not very helpful,
> sorting by shifting one way at a time for instance.

Yeah, that sucks if you have a group of ways to shift.  jOSM wins there.

I could not see how I could check a long route for routing problems
> (duplicates, areas/roundabouts, gaps, loose ends)  and correct it to be one
> single ordered strand for use in a navigation/trip-planning app. But I will
> have another look.

The inspector isn't too bad once you get the hang of it.  Go to the first
way in the list, click on
the arrow to the right of the name of the way and click on it.  That zooms
in on the full extent
of the way (the zoom is a little too good, I'd prefer it a little less
aggressive because often the
end of the way is obscured by a control).  Hover over the name of the way
and it's highlighted.
Hover over the name of the next way in the list to highlight that instead
and check it's
connected.  You may have to go back and forth a couple of times to be sure
in complex
situations.  If that next way is connected, zoom in on it if necessary.
Work your way through.

Not as fast as checking the connectivity indicators in jOSM, but they can
be misleading
when some ways are traversed twice in the same direction on the same
route.  Or so it
has seemed to me in the past.

Also I had a route with ways that appear twice and jOSM reported an order
problem even
though I checked it repeatedly and found nothing wrong.  I checked it with
iD and it
all looked fine.  So I think jOSM's checker may have become confused
because of the
ways that appear twice, even though the error it flagged wasn't on one of
the repeated
ways.  Or maybe there's a problem I still haven't found.

I mainly noticed in many walking routes that damage by ID still occurs a
> lot.

Are you sure it's still occurring even now iD supports routes a lot
better?  It's possible
the route was broken (probably by iD) many months ago then recently edited
by the
improved iD.  The breakage is still there, and there's a recent edit by iD,
but it may
not be true that the recent version of iD is responsible for the breakage.

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