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> On 11. May 2020, at 03:18, Jarek Piórkowski <> wrote:
> Similarly if you were doing an analysis of surface area devoted to
> public parking then you also need to know to check for
> access!=private.

this is indeed an unfortunate choice. Tagging a private access parking with 
amenity=parking is similar to tagging the shower in your home as amenity=shower 
or your kitchen sink as amenity=drinking_water. 
Or tagging amenity=drinking_water with drinking_water=no (IIRR, someone once 
proposed this combination for water taps that do not provide drinking water). 
These should all be avoided, and just because it became established for 
parkings (where there are also edge cases like customer parking), does not 
imply we should do it for more tags.

> If you're doing an analysis of mobility options then
> you need to know to check for wheelchair tag, etc.

different case. This is an example how it should work: a shop remains a shop, a 
pub a pub and a sidewalk a sidewalk, regardless of the wheelchair tag. This tag 
doesn’t make a pub a fast food or a fine dining restaurant.

Cheers Martin 
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