Hello. I am mapping a housing development that has a few terrace
buildings that each have several town homes that share walls. From what
I've gathered from the wiki, you can either:

1. Draw a way around the whole building and tag it with
building=terrace, and then add entrance nodes with addresses, or
2. Draw the outline of the terrace builiding, but then make ways inside
the building to create detailed borders of the individual properties
inside the terrace  building, and map each of those ways with
building=house with the address.

I like having the borders of each home, so I want to do the second
option, but the other issue I'm thinking about is each building is
numbered, so I  would like to name the whole building, but how would I
tag this? Having a way on the outline of the building with only a name
tag seems wrong, but it also seems wrong to tag it with
building=terrace if the individual units are tagged with
building=house; it would seem like having buildings inside buildings,
which Osmose actually complains about.

Are there any alternative schemes? Is there a tag to indicate that a
closed way represents a "dwelling" or "housing unit", but not a
standalone building in and of itself? Or, what if I tagged the whole
building with building=terrace, and then the ways inside just have
address tags?

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