Jul 6, 2020, 23:22 by o...@dead10ck.com:

>> I'm also, in a more general sense, raising a question about the
>> established conventions and whether it makes sense to be tagging the
>> individual units as "buildings", when they are not really buildings
>> in and of themselves, but sections of one larger building that
>> contains several other units.
> To expand on this a bit, for example, if we are tagging a shopping
> center that has one large building which contains several individual
> shops, you tag the whole building with building=retail and amenity=* or
> shop=*, not building=shop or something like that. It's just curious
> that for terraces, the convention is to tag each individual unit as a
> building in its own right.
Depends on whatever it is one large building or row of attached similar

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrace
"Terraced house, a style of housing where identical individual houses are 
cojoined into rows"
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