Yes, and no. It gets tricky. Look at the Thames, which is tidal up to
Teddington Lock, but you wouldn't really say that Richmond is "on the
coast" now would you? But for flood risk assessment it is in danger of
tidal/coastal flooding.

On Sat, 1 Aug 2020, 17:27 Alan Mackie, <> wrote:

> On Sat, 1 Aug 2020 at 07:21, Paul Norman via Tagging <
>> wrote:
>> On 2020-07-31 8:21 a.m., Andy Townsend wrote:
>> On 26/05/2020 00:20, Alan Mackie wrote:
>> Has this edit war stabilised?
>> Apparently it has been blocking coastline updates across the whole world
>> for *months *now.
>> (picking this thread up again because there still hasn't exactly been a
>> meeting of minds here)
>> land polygons have been generated (see
>> ) and
>> has been resolved by
>> manually "releasing" the coastline.  The current situation in OSM is
>> - at the time of writing this the
>> coastline crosses the river north of Buenos Aires.
>> However, edits are continuing (see
>> ).  I'm not convinced
>> that moving to one of two extremes, even a small amount at a time, is a
>> good idea until there's actually been discussion between the proponents of
>> the various positions.
>> For what it's worth, neither extreme position looks the best answer to me
>> - looking at the salinity change between river to ocean at
>> (see
>> for
>> the key picture) and looking at
>> suggests a
>> location some way between the two.  Despite the NASA photo it looks like
>> there isn't a "step change" in salinity - and of course values will
>> fluctuate based on winds and tides etc
>> I live near the coast and have done coastline processing, including a
>> great deal worldwide during the redaction.
>> Salinity and territorial control have seldom been considerations in where
>> the break between water mapped as waterway=riverbank and natural=coastline
>> that I have seen. The break is chosen as a convenient place for mappers and
>> a common view of where the coast of the ocean is, not based on scientific
>> salinity criteria. For territorial control, look at all the inlets along
>> the BC or Norwegian coasts.
> Perhaps I am an overly literal follower of the wiki, but I had always
> assumed the coastline should continue inland as far as the tide continues
> to be noticeable. Mediterranean mapping might be an issue, but elsewhere I
> think this is fairly clear?
> If the water is fresh or the waterway still appears to be a river, canal
> etc, then it seems reasonable that they should also have those tags as
> well. The coastline and riverbank tags aren't fighting for a common key, so
> it's not a direct tagging conflict.
> As for territorial control, there are archipelagic states with territorial
> waters despite large gaps between all their islands. I'm not sure why
> inlets or bays pose a problem?
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